Wednesday, August 6, 2014

considering the modern scientiffic great thing's and public idiocracy and failures

Doctor's have sown on limbs faces and even restored sight to the blind.

At a evil turn many are denied such medical treatment or unaware.

Losing someone seems for the most part an idiotic experience but not the full breadth of the situation in levity no lost but a lesson and a lost.

With manipulating the artificial insemination process we can have our deceased loved artificially reemseminated.

considering theories developed in my childhood earth temporal time distortion shrinkage and growth

They're  is many theories in the world.
Man begans to theorize quantum mechanics some reasoning is shared and concluded in private sector's and within institutions unpublicized.

Many thing's unknown to the modern generation that is not privy to the first hand experiences of the ancient civilizations.

Many say time is distorted I'll agree in short.

Earth experienced a fluctuating phase magnetically and crust boundary land bedding that was catastrophic.

What I will share and agree with is for the most part man did come from the sea.

Bacteria from the sea man emerged from fish and insects were born from soil and trees in the beginning of creation a whole biogenetics remake on those creations scrutinized closer will give man a better insight into his genetic beginnings.

Tree's are biogetic germ offshoots such as man insects and so forth in short I'll write somethings other things I'll consider..

Some people over genealize things who call themselves scientists is it your intentions to just say we our really made up of the same atomic matter in space briefly in an ancient astronaut special t.v. edition or really expound. .
  Because typically they just say the above.

At least if I discover somthin I'll tell you I'm not going to tell you because I'll need compensation to further my goodwill project's or because I'm genuinely under the impression the scientific insight or tech will be miss used .

we should respect all millionaires and billionaires

I don't hate the order of ordained events but like other's I was created by God with emotions to regulate a part of my phyical designated experience.

In the phyical designated experience we have invisible experiences in thoughts atomic chemical reactions such as the result of rain or thunder etcetera.

God created the material world and with understanding God creating time you must know that events is a governor of time.

Billionaires etcetera are bankers that can feed everyone etcetera but we also have power unutilized by ourselves.

Some people just like to be ruled and argue about their subservience to other people that they willingly subjected to.

I in part do not like many people or have a loving blood linked family or mother .

I guess that i never really totally disliked police or governor's or other municipals and I dont like the typical municipal servicer officer in a quantitative group sample because like some African Americans they actually as authoritarian figures fullfill their stereotypes of being snotty and just murmuring obscene assholes when they sopposively should be polite professional's.

Secondly if a country or person could kill or harm another at will does it mean that this is what they should do?

I thought about that and I know the answer is no they shouldn't.

Even though every day I find something whale every other day find a profound scientific breakthrough by my scientific biogentic observation or other sociological insight I believe that if I shared certain things it would be to my detriment more on this later.

Scientists created the atomic bomb sayings by other's heralded them in as scientific geniuses? ?? Ok yea chemical enrichment implosion incendiary enrichment? ?now look what has become of it.

Do you even consider less than lethal weaponry training engage the public. . Anyhow like I said if I write certain things or share them in a private or public aunction  i'm reponsible intellectually and the emotional conscious response and return will be the same.

inhibited to share my inventions and mathematical equatic insights

My wish was to share more insights to biological micro communications on a cellular and chemical transmitter level yet it would in part not be in my self interest or the world for that matter.

Mankind believes himself to be superman intellectually and military superior with tracking systems via phone car satellite skud missiles and highly flammable nuclear family missiles which is a disillusioned disposition.

I do have military weaponry design's and benign inventions that's superior than the modernization of weapontry  see now.

As a person I'm restricted by my conscious not to publish these tactics or material weapons that are constructed with real engineering specializations not some I'm a messiah mars man schizophrenic grandeur.

Far as cyberspace intelligence sectors who can monitor our cell phone screens site visitation text phone calls pictures etcetera it would do no good to stop a superior war mongul.

Corporation new confederation of new nation consulates is the danger and prison camps locally and abroad.

Individuals are sounding kinda fanatic about the illuminati and skull and bones organizations and its subsidiary off shoots.

Yes the illuminati is real but opportunities and real change is within society to plant your gardens create  your own energy panels with electrical professional installation and explore independent water piping.

So opposition is always present in life no one person is the same but do share a brain that is phoneticly linked in the cripple emotions time laspses and genetic orentaton and words including God's induced reality.

When I say God I'm not referring to a man woman or any religious denominations.

The tower of Babel to me in closing represents the different nation's languages skin complexion garments etcetera that we from a young group of people in early times used to separate ourselves unto the present.  

self governance African American and worldwide failure

I listen to rappers and other quoted African American millionaires .

The failure and satanic guises to me seem to lye in the fact that african americans don't even having independent housing apartments for their own African American descendents.

A true leader or boss who is a millionaire would own compounds and apartments for rent to African American progeny and would have self governance.

This isn't cute to propagate the dirt in hip -hop you see country music was psychologically conscious not to program their women calling them bitches and pumping them with drugs.

We as quoted African Americans have done many wrongs.

We have not our own judicial system or police and it's despicable.

African American people all are one of the most slaughterable vulnerable self annihilating entities on the planet. .

Intellectually we all our opportunist. We have the ability to excell but live in a hypnosis of religion and far from reality even if your religion is your own will more than likely it's false in the mainstream history.

Religion is partly oriented to the soul having salvation but religion is also a politically social sociocratic socialization module equivalent to a gang or party.

What holy war frees you of your torah sunna or Talmud non violence statute.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

security against school gun violence

metal detectors should be up kept in schools and actually function even placed at school campus entry ways body scanning devices including push open windows that a student can easily jump out of to the ground on turf.

also institutions should reflect on using less than legal hand guns which bullets that are not lethal but penetrates the gun man causing pain to drop his or her weapon teachers can be given classes on how to confront a gun man in a riotous gun like setting where individuals are attempting to escape with their lives also the institutions should consider locking of door devices that can isolate a gun man locked in a class room or another after the other innocent students have escaped.